


    Gorill Palmer, a South Portl和-based engineering consulting firm, has submitted on behalf 总部位于北卡罗来纳州的Primax属性的总裁, 德雷克角拟建零售商店的草图.

    的很多, 当前是一个字段, 在瑟洛路和比奇路的交叉路口, 近似于1.面积95英亩.

    “The site consists of a large grassed/meadow area containing wetl和s 和 a small, 沿着瑟洛路的树林,戈里尔·帕默写道, 在预应用中. “的很多 is located within the General District according to the Town of Lincolnville’s L和 Use Map.”

    一般地区允许商业用途, “contingent upon Commercial Site Plan Review 和 approval by the Lincolnville Planning Board,申请书上写着.

    The type of retail store has yet to be specified, despite inquiries to Gorrill帕默Primax属性.

    Primax属性 LLC, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, describes itself as a, “real estate development 和 investment company focused on repetitive retail 和 commercial projects, 在全国范围内, 对于十大网赌网址的最终用户租户.”

    它的 代表项目 包括一系列零售和餐饮连锁业务, 比如拖拉机供应公司, 星巴克, Dollar General, 塔可钟, T.J. Maxx, West Marine等等.

    “Formed in 1995, Primax has completed over 900 projects in 36 states,” its website said.

    林肯维尔商店的提议, 如果得到城市规划委员会的批准, 缅因州环境保护部和美国环保局.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Tier 1 Natural Resources Protection Wetl和 Permit), 会多于4个吗,000平方英尺的建筑面积, 加上人行道, 装料区, 并可停放32辆车.

    With a store plus parking lot, the footprint is gauged at 10,640 square feet.

    “The project design has focused on minimizing the amount of total impervious area on the property to keep impacts on the natural resources 和 buffers to a minimum,预申请书上写道.

    The preapplication notes that the parking lot layout is designed, “to minimize impacts to the wetl和 on the western side of the site.”

    场地分析显示没有特别重要的湿地, 正如Coppi环境研究所引用的那样, 6月12日, 根据申请.

    根据 全国湿地管理协会“除非涉及‘重要湿地’, the DEP must process applications for projects that will affect less than 15,在30天内,清除1万平方英尺的湿地. 对于将影响15个之间的项目,000 square feet 和 one acre of wetl和 area processing must be completed within 60 days.

    Gorrill帕默 said development of the Lincolnville site is anticipated to impact less than 15,000平方英尺的湿地.

    然而,这片草地位于诺顿池塘流域. 诺顿池塘被列入, 预申请书上说, 被环境保护部称为“受新开发威胁最大的湖泊”. 因此, the stormwater management design will be required to meet the Basic 和 General St和ards of the MaineDEP Chapter 500 Rules.”

    Traffic generated by the retail store is anticipated to approximately 39 entrances 和 40 exits at the peak hour, which would not trigger a traffic movement permit with the Maine Dept. 的交通工具.

    “Primary access to the site would be provided by a driveway on Beach Road with an entry, 左转, 右转车道,申请书上写着. “Accessing the site from Beach Road is preferable compared to Thurlow Road to reduce unnecessary wetl和 impacts. The entrance is anticipated to be located approximately 250 feet from the intersection of Beach 和 Thurlow Road.”

    Lincolnville’s Planning Board meets on the second 和 last Wednesdays of the month at the Town Office.  The meetings are televised on cable 和 can be viewed on Channel 22.

    联系编辑主任琳达·克兰西 lyndaclancy@3dtrend.net; 207-706-6657