No new commercial developments over 4,000 square feet in size pending land use ordinance review

Lincolnville迅速, unanimously approves moratorium on major nonresidential developments


    LINCOLNVILLE — In a town where citizens are known to speak up and debate issues, 他们甚至连自己都感到惊讶. 11 when they voted unanimously in favor of an 180-day moratorium on major nonresidential developments. 没有一个人投反对票, and the result earned a cheer from the entire room of approximately 250 residents.


    Town Administrator David Kinney said the town would now begin the process of preparing amendments for its land use ordinance, 哪一个需要选民的批准. 该镇是否需要更多时间来起草修正案, 禁令可以再延长180天.

    “这个过程可以一遍又一遍地重复,他说, 直到修正案准备好供选民审议.

    的12月. 11 .市镇特别会议 太k place at in the Linconville Central School cafeteria, 预计下午6点开始.m. 那架飞机晚点了半个小时, 然而, 考虑到在学校门外排队的居民人数, chatting patiently while waiting to sign in as registered Lincolnville voters.

    他们把停车场填满了,把车道排满了车, 从镇上的各个地方——海滩来的, 往北港的52号公路, 从希望镇边境线那边过来, 和东, 从扬敦路. While the total number of voters who arrived to cast their ballot has yet to be determined, 据估计至少有350人死亡, 也许400年, 适合餐厅.

    Some arrived by wheelchair, others squeezed in and s太d against the back wall or by the doors. Several parents 太k their children, equipped with drawing paper and pencils to keep them occupied. 

    自助餐厅里坐满了人, the five members of the Select Board relocated their own table onto the stage to create more space, and pitched in to line up another 30 chairs in the front to provide additional seating.

    金尼要求投票选出一位主持人, 在诺克斯县行政长官安德鲁·哈特被提名之后, 房间批准了. 哈特概述了行为准则, 并要求动议, which was made and seconded to approve the moratorium: “Shall an ordinance entitled ‘Town of Lincolnville Major Non-Residential Development Project Moratorium Ordinance’ be enacted?该禁令可追溯至11月11日. 13.

    哈特让支持者发言. 市民们面面相觑,但没有人上前. 






    明显没有动静,也没有声音. 然后,房间里爆发出一阵欢呼声.

    该禁令是在10月10日的禁令之后实施的. 25 introduction of preliminary plans by South Portland engineers with Gorrill Palmer for a retail store on a field at Drakes Corner.  If approved by the town’s Planning Board, Maine Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Tier 1 Natural Resources Protection Wetland Permit), 这家商店将由4个以上的人组成,000平方英尺的建筑面积, 加上人行道, 装料区, 并可停放32辆车.

    With the store plus parking lot, the development footprint was gauged to be 10,640 square feet.

    gorill Palmer代表Primax Properties, 一个夏洛特, 北卡罗来纳州房地产开发公司. Primax将自己描述为,real estate development and investment company focused on repetitive retail and commercial projects, 在全国范围内, 对于十大网赌网址的最终用户租户.“它 代表项目 包括一系列零售和餐饮连锁业务, 比如拖拉机供应公司, 星巴克, Dollar General, 塔可钟, T.J. Maxx, West Marine等等.

    Gorrill Palmer had not specified what brand name the retail store was to carry, 从这个月开始, had not submitted a full set of plans to the Lincolnville code enforcement office.

    市民们对这些计划表示了担忧, 由于场地位于诺顿池塘流域,因此更加突出. 

    10月. 23日, 林肯维尔遴选委员会一致投票通过 to instruct the town administrator and town attorney to prepare a moratorium ordinance regarding major commercial site plans.

    The Select Board at that point was responding to citizen concern over the proposed retail store development.